
Over the years, we have recruited, vetted and trained a network of more than 8,100 professional inspectors across all 50 United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. That means we have comprehensive inspector coverage just about anywhere you can imagine.

Keeping in mind that our inspector network virtually blankets the U.S. and Canada, there are rare instances in which we receive inspection requests in remote/rural areas where we do not have an existing inspector. One of our greatest strengths is the fast, yet thorough, recruiting process by which we are able to quickly locate, vet and train a new inspector, preventing any delay in completion of an assignment.


Our inspectors are held to a high standard of professionalism as it relates to their appearance, dependability, knowledge and interactions with the merchants they are visiting. Our inspector vetting process ensures we recruit quality professionals, while our thorough inspector training process prepares our inspectors to complete inspections with exacting expectations and guidelines established during the on-boarding process.